Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University - TAGIUNI
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تعليم و تدريب
جامعات و كليات و معاهد
الشميساني, عمان
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Education and training
Universities Colleges & Institutions
Shmeisani, Amman
Name: Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University - TAGIUNI
Name Arabic:
Website: www.tagiuni.com/
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Shmeisani - Abdul Raheem Al-Waked Street, Building #45
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الشميساني - شارع عبدالرحيم الواكد
Category English: Education and training
Category Arabic: تعليم و تدريب
SubCategory Arabic: جامعات و كليات و معاهد
SubCategory English: Universities Colleges & Institutions
A digital university which offers academic degrees, language and professional certificates, continuous and innovative education, and vocational programs worldwide.
The Talal Abu Ghazaleh University (TAGIUNI) believes that world class education is a human right and thus focuses on excellence, creativity and innovation to equip future business leaders with the latest skills and education to compete in the global economy.
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