Joury جوري

Name: Joury
Name Arabic: جوري
Phone Number(s): 064610010
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman - 2nd Circle - Belle Vue Hotel entrance - Al kulliyah illmiyah islamiyah street
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: عالدوار الثاني مقابل مدخل أوتيل بيل فيو - شارع الكلية العلمية الاسلامية
Category English: Food and drink
Category Arabic: طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: مطاعم
SubCategory English: Restaurants

About Joury Restaurant:
From the oldest inhabited city in the world, we bring you the flavor, the spirit and the atmosphere of the damascene people. Our local chefs promise to bring the authentic taste of the Syrian food with all their heart all the way to the heart of Amman. We're waiting for you all to come meet Joury (Rosa Damascena), the first original Shami food Restaurant in Amman.

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