Al-Ghosoun Drug Store مستودع ادوية الغصون
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Medical and health
Khalda, Amman
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طب و صحة
ادوية ومستودعات
خلدا, عمان
Name: Al-Ghosoun Drug Store
Name Arabic: مستودع ادوية الغصون
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Khalda, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: خلدا, عمان
Category English: Medical and health
Category Arabic: طب و صحة
SubCategory Arabic: ادوية ومستودعات
SubCategory English: Drugstores
#1: Thursday 22 August 2013 / 10:43:37 pm.
Hatem ElSewefy (User IP ID: 14621517957)
orthpaedic products
Dear Sir
We are a dedicated company for manufacturing medical supplies for medical application in EGYPT , Family Care specializes in providing the complete consumer medical need
Interest to deal with your distinguished company , Please provide us if you are interest in the field of orthopedic medical supplies .
Please visit our website , so we can cooperate together .