Al-Kilani Real Estate Est. مؤسسة الكيلاني العقارية

Name: Al-Kilani Real Estate Est.
Name Arabic: مؤسسة الكيلاني العقارية
Phone Number: (06) 5861159
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, عمان
Category English: Real estate agents and services
Category Arabic: عقاريون و عقارات
SubCategory Arabic: عقارات
SubCategory English: Real estate

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#1: Monday 3 November 2014 / 2:33:40 pm.
Mayy Shocair (User IP ID: 85117571704)
Building available for rent in Jabal Amman
Dear All,

Hope you are doing well.

I have a building of 2 stories in very good shape located in Jabal Amman available for rent immediately.

Further information will be provided upon request.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards

Mayy Shocair