Al-Manahel school مدارس المناهل
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Education and training
New Zarqa, Zarqa
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تعليم و تدريب
الزرقاء الجديدة, الزرقاء
Name: Al-Manahel school
Name Arabic: مدارس المناهل
Governate: Zarqa
Area Info: New Zarqa, Zarqa
Governate Arabic: الزرقاء
Area Arabic: الزرقاء الجديدة, الزرقاء
Category English: Education and training
Category Arabic: تعليم و تدريب
SubCategory Arabic: مدارس
SubCategory English: Schools
#1: Saturday 5 April 2014 / 9:14:37 pm.
sama (User IP ID: 161314041636)
English teacher looking for job
A graduate student from the University of jordan