Bait Al-Maqdes Cranes ونشات بيت المقدس
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Constructions and Building materials
Cranes & freight lifts
Abu'Alanda, Amman
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مواد بناء و انشاءات
رافعات ومصاعد للبضائع
ابو علندا, عمان
Name: Bait Al-Maqdes Cranes
Name Arabic: ونشات بيت المقدس
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Abu'Alanda, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: ابو علندا, عمان
Category English: Constructions and Building materials
Category Arabic: مواد بناء و انشاءات
SubCategory Arabic: رافعات ومصاعد للبضائع
SubCategory English: Cranes & freight lifts
#1: Sunday 29 June 2014 / 10:43:59 am.
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About this company
Bait Al-Maqdis Cranes company is one of the oldest and biggest in this field in Jordan.
They have excellent variety of Cranes which can deal with both light and heavy loads, the use a professional drivers. They reliable and you can count on them