Daoud Tycoons داود تايكونز

Name: Daoud Tycoons
Name Arabic: داود تايكونز
Phone Number: (06) 5521690
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Gardens, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الجاردنز, عمان
Category English: Fashion (clothes and accessories)
Category Arabic: ازياء و موضة (البسة، اكسسوارات)
SubCategory Arabic: ملابس
SubCategory English: Clothing

Address: Gardens, opposite Tabba'a Mousque -
Next to Saudi Exchange, Building Number 87

Daoud Tycoons in Gardens building 87 photo taken on August 5th 2011
Daoud Tycoons in Gardens building 87
photo taken on August 5th 2011

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