Jamal Odeh Est. مؤسسة جمال عودة

Name: Jamal Odeh Est.
Name Arabic: مؤسسة جمال عودة
Phone Number: (06) 5530190
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Gardens, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الجاردنز, عمان
Category English: Sationary and Office Supplies
Category Arabic: لوازم مكتبيه و طلابيه
SubCategory Arabic: قرطاسية
SubCategory English: Stationery

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#1: Monday 21 January 2013 / 4:53:03 pm.
mohamad (User IP ID: 13201438959)
hi there.i am looking for some stock stationary(2005-2010)in sanford papermat.please introduce a website and your e mail