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الاسم (الانجليزيه)
الاسم (العربيه)
اس جي اس الاردن
رقم الهاتف
رقم الهاتف
رقم الهاتف
رقم الفاكس
البريد الالكتروني
الموقع الالكتروني
www.sgs.comالمحافظه (الانجليزيه)
العنوان (الانجليزيه)
Dhahiyat Al Rashid, Al Wifaq Street, Building 94, Office 301, Amman
المحافظه (العربيه)
العنوان (العربيه)
ضاحية الرشيد شارع الوفاق عمارة 94
التصنيف (الانجليزيه)
Consultations and studies
التصنيف (العربيه)
استشارات و دراسات
التصنيف الفرعي (الانجليزيه)
Inspection, Verification, Certification and Testing company
التصنيف الفرعي (العربيه)
تفتيش ومعاينه
Mon-Fri: 7am-8pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-6pm
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SGS Jordan Co.
P.O.Box 930388 Amman 11193
تم توثيق المعلومات بالأعلى من صاحب العمل أو أحد ممثليه
Information above was verified
by the owner or a representative
Hello Dears,
I was trying to contact you without any luck, your tel is disconnected, please send me you contacts for my inquiry or you may answer by Email.
what does SGS stands for?
Thanks & Regards
Ramzi Marji.
contact number
Hello Dears,
I was trying to contact you without any luck, your tel is disconnected, please send me you contacts for my inquiry or you may answer by Email.
what does SGS stands for?
Thanks& Regards
firas madani.
yor phone
dear sir
please sent me your phone to contact.
Hello Dears,
I've been trying to contact you, but without luck. I want to know dates of courses held and where, and so I could enroll in.
Thanks & Regards
Dua'a AL-Suliman.
Inspection and editing for SQF code
our factory is looking for word to apply for SQF 2000 and we are searching for editor in jordan , so please if you do editting for such a program to contact me ..
we need your sgs office contact in jupouty
dear kindely send us your sgs office contact detales in jupouty we need it for inspectiones some prodectes to be exported from jubouty our contact emaill
mr rommel saavedra
hello dear saavedra
i have tried alot to send you the photos of kermanshah seminar so i wasnt lucky to do my favore so please contact me or give me your email address .
best regards.
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