YWCA جمعية الشابات المسيحيات

Name: YWCA
Name Arabic: جمعية الشابات المسيحيات
Phone Number: (06) 4641119
Phone Number(s): 064616891
Website: www.ywcaamman.net
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, 3rd Circle
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, الدوار الثالث
Category English: Chambers and Associations
Category Arabic: دوائر و جمعيات
SubCategory Arabic: منظمات جمعيات غير حكومية
SubCategory English: Associations NGO

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#1: Thursday 12 January 2012 / 8:12:16 pm.
Rodaina Al Sholah (User IP ID: 15061674987)
Thanks ywca
The Y.W.C.A is a great place to learn all you need to start working in the HR,Accounting,Admin....field. As a student in the Y.w.C.A, I advise women and girls o join it .

Thanks Y.W.C.A
#2: Tuesday 10 April 2012 / 5:55:37 pm.
ٌRawan Jamal Bawalsa (User IP ID: 103311961012)
I want to learn HR, Accounting and Administration to help me find a better Job. How can I submit with your programs ??? I am working right now in a company from 8am to 5pm.
Can I have a courses after 5 pm???
#3: Wednesday 9 January 2013 / 9:41:01 am.
Amil Betts (User IP ID: 159216991006)
Phone numbers not being answered
Hello, I'm trying to contact YWCA, & I don't get an answer on either phone number, are they recent? Also I cannot reach the website that you listed... is there another way to contact them?