Roya beauty center

Name: Roya beauty center
Name Arabic:
Phone Number(s): 065339854
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Tla' Al-Ali, Khalil Al Salem Sreet
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: تلاع العلي, شارع خليل السالم
Category English: Fitness and Beauty
Category Arabic: لياقة و جمال
SubCategory Arabic: مراكز التجميل
SubCategory English: Beauty centers

Official Facebook Page:

Official Twitter Account:

Working Hours:
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

roya beauty center logo

Roya Beauty Center is the place where every women can find the beauty and feminine that lies inside her which will reflect on her own personality in a unique and different way... let us make your new look in Roya's way. it's a full -service beauty saloon providing a unique and contentious high services to meet customers satisfaction which includes artificial makeup and professional Hairdressing; Our Services includes: Hair coloring - High lights - Low lights- Hair treatments- Hair cut, Brushing, Fair styles... also we have separate section for women only offers facial treatment, manicure and pedicure and much more...

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