The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem مطرانية القدس الاسقفية

Name: The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
Name Arabic: مطرانية القدس الاسقفية
Phone Number: (06) 4658383
Phone Number(s): 064625383
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, Rainbow Street
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, الدوار الأول - شارع الرينبو
Category English: Religious Services
Category Arabic: خدمات دينية
SubCategory Arabic: كنائس
SubCategory English: Churches

The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & The Middle East
PO Box 589  Amman 11118, Jordan

Episcopal in Rainbow Street photo taken on August 20th 2012
Episcopal in Rainbow Street photo taken on August 20th 2012

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