04 Restaurant & Cafe

Name: 04 Restaurant & Cafe
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: (06) 5561002
Phone Number(s): 0798890404
Phone Number(s): 079846359
Website: www.04Amman.com
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Macca St - Al Kilo Circle - Jordan Kuwait Bank Building - 2nd floor
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع مكة - دوار الكيلو - مبنى البنك الأردني الكويتي - الطابق الثاني
Category English: Food and drink
Category Arabic: طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: مطاعم - مقاهي
SubCategory English: Restaurants & cafe

Official Facebook Page:

04 Restaurant & Café offers a variety of international foods and drinks from all the different well-known and distinct kitchens

Zero Four restaurant and cafe logo
Zero Four restaurant and cafe logo

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