Amarah Spa

Name: Amarah Spa
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: 065931370
Phone Number(s): 0772290670
Phone Number(s): 0795784693
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Abdoun Al Shamali next to the Dutch Embassy
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: عبدون الشمالي
Category English: Fitness and Beauty
Category Arabic: لياقة و جمال
SubCategory Arabic: جاكوزي ومنتجع مياه معدنيه - مراكز التجميل
SubCategory English: Beauty centers - Jacuzzis & spa

Amarah Spa Logo

In Amarah Spa, you can get a body massage, facials, spray tan, nails done, makeup done, lashes, and tattooed. Simply put, you get pampered!

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