Specialized Recruitment Co المتخصصة للتوظيف
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توظيف شركات
الجبيهة, عمان
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Others (trade and services)
Recruitment companies
Jbaiha, Amman
Name: Specialized Recruitment Co
Name Arabic: المتخصصة للتوظيف
Governate: Amman
Area Info: University St., Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع الجامعة
Category English: Others (trade and services)
Category Arabic: اخرى (تجارة و خدمات)
SubCategory Arabic: توظيف شركات
SubCategory English: Recruitment companies
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عمارة رقم 142 الجبيهة شارع ياجوز مقابل وزارة التعليم العالي الطابق الرابع مكتب رقم 411
#1: Saturday 15 February 2014 / 4:41:23 pm.
walid aref ibrahim (User IP ID: 72711881170)
recruitment order
I want to work at gulf contries , i am retired now and have experince for 24 years at Housin bank for trade and fainance i am ready to send my c v upon request