Kubbeh Nation

Name: Kubbeh Nation
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: (06) 5828544
Website: www.kubbehnation.com
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, عمان
Category English: Food and drink
Category Arabic: طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: مطاعم - تقليدي وشرقي
SubCategory English: Restaurants - oriental and traditional food

Kubbeh Nation Logo

The Original Kubbeh Bi Seneyeh!
Some call it Kubbeh, others Kibbeh, we’ve even heard some call it Kobbah! No matter how you pronounce it, everyone agrees it’s one of the tastiest most mouth watering dishes in Levant. Whether served as an appetizer or main dish, Kubbeh is and has been at the heart of family gatherings for generations, we at KubbehNation want to people to enjoy it more frequently, with the same love our grandmothers made it with.

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