SeKrab سكراب

Name: SeKrab
Name Arabic: سكراب
Phone Number(s): 0791735722
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, 1st Circle - rainbow Street - buliding #2, next to heritage hotel
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, الدوار الاول - شارع الرينبو
Category English: Food and drink - Entertainment
Category Arabic: اماكن ترفيهيه - طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: مطاعم - مقاهي ليليه
SubCategory English: Restaurants - Pubs

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Hip, cool, retro, vintage, 80-90s, are some of the many elements that were used to put pieces of junk together flipped to one fashionable and stylish place. SeKrab takes its name from its elements, up-cycled, recycled, and reused items, gathered to make this bar’s interior and ambience look like a piece of art with the true meaning of the junkyard jewel of Amman! Relax, sit back, appreciate the beauty of the little things and reminisce the old memories with the concept, setup and the splendid offers all year long!

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