Bashiti Hardware البشيتي للتجهيزات العامة

Name: Bashiti Hardware
Name Arabic: البشيتي للتجهيزات العامة
Phone Number: (06) 5349098
Phone Number(s): 065342765
Phone Number(s): 065342365
Fax numbers: 065330731
Governate: Amman
Area Info: King Abdullah II St.
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: شارع الملك عبدالله الثاني
Category English: Constructions and Building materials
Category Arabic: مواد بناء و انشاءات
SubCategory Arabic: عدد
SubCategory English: Tools

bashiti logo
Bashiti Hardware Stores - Madina Tebeyyah Street
Address: Madina Tebeyyah Street
Towards Sweileh Circle
Building #93, Infront of Elba House
P.O Box: 3005 Amman 11953, Jordan.

Bashiti Hardware in Madina Tebeyyah street photo taken on July 27th 2011
Bashiti Hardware in Madina Tebeyyah street
photo taken on July 27th 2011

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#1: Monday 17 November 2014 / 6:40:41 am.
Hmoud (User IP ID: 103416281012)
TEL. respond
Good day.
I have been trying to contact your branch since three days , but no respond from your side.