جدَل للمعرفة والثّقافة بالتّعاون مع بيت السّيرك في الأردن CHJ* دعوتكم لحضور أمسية لعروض السّيرك الذي سيؤدّيها مجموعة متنوّعة من الفنّانين/ـات.
إذا كنت من محبّي السّيرك، أو ترغب بقضاء مساء رمضاني من المرح والضّحك والإثارة مع عائلتك أو أصدقاءك، ندعوك للمشاركة معنا في هذه الأمسية الّتي تتضمّن ألعاب بهلوانيّة، لعب بالنّار، مهرّج، رقص، وغيرها من الألعاب!
الموعد: السّبت 25 أيّار، التجمّع في السّاعة 9:00، تبدأ الفعاليّة السّاعة 9:30 مساء.
الرّسوم: 5 دنانير للشّخص، على الباب.
JADAL for Knowledge and Culture in collaboration with Circus House Jo (CHJ)* are happy to invite you to an evening of circus performances by a group of young enthusiast artists.
If you a fan of circus, or just want to enjoy an evening of joy, laughter & excitement with your friends or family, then we invite you to join us the evening that will include: Juggling, clowning, break dance, fire performance and other arts!
Date and time: Saturday the 25th of May, doors open @ 9:00, event starts @ 9:30 p.m.
Cost: JD 5 per person, @ the door.
*The Circus House Project is divided in different parts. The first one is to have a place where people can practice freely and safely. Until now, none or really few accessible places are available to practice circus art in Jordan. A place to practice means that we can start to expand the circus art with giving some lessons. As we would like to increase the circus community in Jordan, we want to give lessons to children, without discrimination about the social background. That means that we are giving a lesson weekly for free and another one charged to be able to keep going with this project. The idea with those lessons, is to invite people from abroad to teach some workshop simultaneously. We want to welcome those people in the flat for as long as they want to share their knowledge about circus art in Jordan. The final goal of this project is to create a real artistic community life in Amman around circus.
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