رسائل الامل هو عبارة عن مشروع يسلط الضوء على التحديات النفسية التي تواجه اللاجئين في الاردن وبشكل اكبر الاطفال منهم لانهم يحملون المفتاح لاعادة بناء بلدهم عندما يعودوا اليه، فاننا نحتاج تعليمهم قيم الحب واهمية التعلم حتى يصبحوا قادرين على قيادة حياة مستقلة و صحية.
اذا اردت أن تشارك معنا بكتابة رسالة أمل للاجئين, يمكنك القيام بذلك عن طريق الفورم التالي:
فقط اكتب و شاركنا أفكارك من القلب :”)
Since there are many organizations that provide humanitarian relief, food baskets, grocery debit cards, emergency shelter and hygiene kits to refugees, but not enough that can support them emotionally, we came up with the idea of this project.
We all have confidence in the children of today, the adults of tomorrow. But the task ahead will be long and difficult for them. That is why we should focus our attention more towards supporting them psychologically.
We planned to invite our community to write heartfelt letters of love, hope and solidarity to express our support and compassion towards refugees!
If you want to share your ideas and thoughts with us, please FILL IN this form and send the refugees’ a message of hope and comapssion!
This project aims to express love and compassion towards Syrian refugees and to lift their psychological health along with other important contributions other agencies provide.
Can we write in English??