شاركونا أمسية من التعلم والحوار والطعام الشهي, مطبخ شمس هو واحد من فعاليات مجتمع شمس الأسبوعية حيث يعمل المشاركون على عمل الطعام معاً خلال جلسة حوارية عن أحدى المواضيع البيئة او المجتمعية .
Join us for an evening of learning, dialogue, and delicious food.
The Shams kitchen – مطبخ شمس is one of Shams’ Community weekly gatherings in which making the food is only half the fun. Participants are teamed up, preferably with strangers, and each team is given a type of food to prepare and invited to follow the recipe, although participants are usually encouraged to improvise. While cooking we engage in a dialogue about a social issue.
In this event we’re going to talk about Unemployment.
في هذه الفعالية سنتحدث عن البطالة.
What will we cook?
Pancake, Waffle,Crepe.
ماذا سنطبخ ؟
Pancake, Waffle,Crepe.
What should you expect?
1. Connect with another 15 – 20 people from diverse backgrounds, and be ready to be inspired.
2. Exchange your knowledge and ideas and participate in dialogue with other global minds.
3. Learn how to cook a new delicious meal.
4. Enjoy your dinner, drinks, and conversation.
ماذا عليك ان تتوقع ؟
1. مقابلة مجموعة من الناس المختلفة من خلفيات ثقافية متنوعة .
2. تبادل المعرفة والأفكار مع الحضور .
3. تعلم طريقة عمل وجبة طعام جديدة .
4. استمتع بالطعام , الحوار والسهرة .
What is the Shams Kitchen?
A space for learning, dialogue & brainstorming, where people come together to share their inspiration and passion through designed cooking experience.
Why Cooking?
Food ties people together throughout the world. Cooking is a familiar memory and activity for most. It is one of the few activities that transcends the boundaries of age, gender, race, or belief. Using this activity, it frees people to form common bonds and move towards both sharing past experiences and exchanging ideas and plans for the future.
How much will it cost?
We ask for a contribution towards the cost of the food, and hosting the event of 5 JD per person. For this you will be learning to cook a delicious new recipe and reveling in good company. Please feel free to bring your own drinks. We will offer water & tea for everyone.
تكلفة الفعالية خمسة دنانير لتغطية تكاليف الطبخ وأستضافة الفعالية.
When ?
The gathering starts at 6:30, cooking starts at 7:00 , dinner time will be between 8-9.
متى موعد الفعالية ؟
تبدء الفعالية الساعة 6:30 , اما الطبخ الساعة ال 7:00 الموعد المتوقع للعشاء بين ال 8-9 .
Shams Community
google map: https://goo.gl/QzQ2S2
Jabal Amman, Omar Ibn alkhattab, street 11C
The house located in end of the 2nd “short” stairs after montage cafe and before book@cafe. find the house with Green Windows.
اين ستقام الفعالية ؟
مجتمع شمس
11جبل عمان, شارع عمر ابن الخطاب.
من نهاية شارع الرينبو انعطف يمين في شارع عمر ابن الخطاب , الدرج الثاني بعد مونتاج كافيه وقبل بوكسات كافيه على يديك اليمين , المنزل في نهاية الدرج ” الباب باللون الأخضر .
For any further information please contact us on @Shams Community. or call / what’s app +962795209606
We look forward to your company on Thursday evening
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