Women’s Socio-Economic Empowerment Conference
King Hussein Business Park – مجمع الملك الحسين للأعمال
March 30 – March 31
CAFRAJ and the Institut de Prospective Economique du Monde Méditerranéen IPEMED France are organizing the Women’s Socio- Economic Empowerment Conference to be held on March 30th and 31st, 2017 in Amman Jordan.
The joint effort by CAFRAJ, the French Chamber of Commerce in Jordan, along with IPEMED France, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and UN Women aim to outline a clear path to equip, empower and inspire Jordanian women. We believe that the conference will lay the grounds for addressing the factors limiting the involvement of Jordanian women within the economy, build dialogue among successful Jordanian, Lebanese and European women, in addition to offering training sessions to build 21st century competencies.
The conference will feature respected dignitaries, Jordanian, Lebanese and French, as leaders and role models who are enshrined in specific areas of positive influence.
These architects, pioneers and advocates of change will come together to share success stories and suggest recommendations for a stronger, more inclusive and ultimately thriving socio-economic environment.
The conference will be held over two days, and will feature a number of opening speeches by French Minister for Families, Children and Women Rights Ms. Laurence Rossignol, Senator Elizabeth Guigou, and Mr.Talal Abu Ghazaleh. In addition, the conference will discuss methodologies for building capacity, skills forecasting for Jordanian women. The conference also brings together development agencies, investment funds, and influencers from both the civil society and the private sector.
We believe the conference will be a strong platform for dialogue, collaboration and empowerment on best practices for a knowledge based inclusive economy which engages a productive and innovative workforce.
The joint effort by CAFRAJ, the French Chamber of Commerce in Jordan, along with IPEMED France, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and UN Women aim to outline a clear path to equip, empower and inspire Jordanian women. We believe that the conference will lay the grounds for addressing the factors limiting the involvement of Jordanian women within the economy, build dialogue among successful Jordanian, Lebanese and European women, in addition to offering training sessions to build 21st century competencies.
The conference will feature respected dignitaries, Jordanian, Lebanese and French, as leaders and role models who are enshrined in specific areas of positive influence.
What topics will it cover: Different panels will be available:
· Women in Parliament
· Women in Science
· Women in Economy
· Skills and competences for Women to Access Jobs in the 21st century
· Access to Finance and funding women Entrepreneurship
· Refugee crisis, women and children in the camps
· Women in Media
· The Way Forward
We believe the conference will be a strong platform for dialogue, collaboration and empowerment on best practices for a knowledge based inclusive economy which engages a productive and innovative workforce.
Language of the conference: The conference will be in English with simultaneous translation to both Arabic and French
Fees: The conference will be free of charge
RSVP: Please RSVP to info@cafraj.net
Who to contact for more inquiries: info@cafraj.net

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