Garden Of Eden Flowers ازهار جنة عدن

Name: Garden Of Eden Flowers
Name Arabic: ازهار جنة عدن
Phone Number: (06) 5524546
Phone Number(s): 065523888
Phone Number(s): 0795550345
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Um Uthaina, 6th circle - King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz Street
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: ام اذينة, الدوار السادس
Category English: Home and Personal Shopping
Category Arabic: تسوق منزلي و شخصي
SubCategory Arabic: ازهار محلات - بالونات - شوكولاته
SubCategory English: Flower shops - Balloons - Chocolate

working hours iconOpening Hours:
Daily: 9:00am - 10:00pm

facebook iconEden Chocolate Official Facebook Page:

photo taken on March 27th 2012 of Eden for chocolate inside store
Eden for chocolate inside store - photo taken on March 27th 2012 of

Eden Flowers Balloons and chocolates
Eden Flowers Balloons and chocolates Advertisment poster
Added on March 11th 2012

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