Sa'eb Hammoudi صائب محمد علي حمودي
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Medical and health
Doctors pediatric surgery
Jabal Amman, Amman
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طب و صحة
اطباء اخصائيو جراحة الاطفال
جبل عمان, عمان
Name: Sa'eb Hammoudi
Name Arabic: صائب محمد علي حمودي
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Jabal Amman, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: جبل عمان, عمان
Category English: Medical and health
Category Arabic: طب و صحة
SubCategory Arabic: اطباء اخصائيو جراحة الاطفال
SubCategory English: Doctors pediatric surgery
#1: Sunday 16 November 2014 / 5:40:52 am.
dr. Emad Ghanem Shukri (User IP ID: 104012121489)
request for operation on a child
Dear Sir
may I ask about the approximate total cost of operation for left undescended testis in a 3 year old normal boy..if done by you in the hospital you choose in Amman .
I will be much grateful if you kindlly accept to do it at coming spring .
I am living Baghdad now