Best Restoration Company بيست ريستوريشن للصيانه العامه

Name: Best Restoration Company
Name Arabic: بيست ريستوريشن للصيانه العامه
Phone Number: (06) 5525690
Phone Number(s): 065521790
Phone Number(s): 0796867766
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Khalda, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: خلدا, عمان
Category English: Cleaning and detergent
Category Arabic: تنظيف و منظفات
SubCategory Arabic: تنظيف خدمات
SubCategory English: Cleaning services

Logo of Best Restoration Company
Best Restoration Company
العنوان: خلدا - شارع أوصرة
بناية رقم 5

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#1: Saturday 27 April 2013 / 7:14:53 pm.
Charles Coplen (User IP ID: 7241680960)
Restoration of the stone embassy
This company came to our embassy in Amman and restored the stone to its original condition.
Great people to work with.
Highly recommended