Miss Palace Fashion قصر الانسة

Name: Miss Palace Fashion
Name Arabic: قصر الانسة
Phone Number: (07) 95955222
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Gardens, Wasfi Tal Street - Katot Building
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الجاردنز, مجمع الكتوت التجاري - مقابل مسجد الطباع
Category English: Fashion (clothes and accessories)
Category Arabic: ازياء و موضة (البسة، اكسسوارات)
SubCategory Arabic: ملابس
SubCategory English: Clothing

Miss Palace Fashion Clothes Store

S7even Wonders for Computers and Miss Palace in Gardens Photo Taken on August 5th 2011
S7even Wonders for Computers and Miss Palace in Gardens
Photo Taken on August 5th 2011

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