African Art

Name: African Art
Name Arabic:
Phone Number: (06) 5545543
Phone Number(s): 0796655001
Phone Number(s): 0795443033
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Wasfi Al-Tal Street - Opposite to Kentucky Fried Chicken - Khalda
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: خلدا, عمان
Category English: Home and Personal Shopping
Category Arabic: تسوق منزلي و شخصي
SubCategory Arabic: براويز لوحات و صور
SubCategory English: Frames paintings & photos

African Art Logo 

Official Facebook Page:

Opening Hours:
Sat - Thu:    10:30 am    -    7:30 pm

African Art for African Pieces, antiques & butterflies frame. Our company are located in Central Africa and is specialized in the sale of antiques and pieces of African heritage and paintings from the wings of butterflies and stuffed butterflies. African Art present since 2007 in Central Africa. Our company supplies parts to European countries and is the first company specialized in the Middle East.

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