Manaseer Oil and Gas محطة المناصير للمحروقات
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Energy and fuel
Gas stations
Tabarbour, Amman
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طاقة و وقود
محطات وقود
طبربور, عمان
Name: Manaseer Oil and Gas
Name Arabic: محطة المناصير للمحروقات
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Tabarbour, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: طبربور, شارع الشهيد
Category English: Energy and fuel
Category Arabic: طاقة و وقود
SubCategory Arabic: محطات وقود
SubCategory English: Gas stations
#1: Saturday 17 March 2012 / 4:50:23 pm.
Yousef (User IP ID: 162611941008)
Although it is expected that Almanseer to offer services up to the name and the standards, we have already started seeing some behaviors pushing customers not to come back again to this station-Tabarboor. I would like to urge administrative people at Almanaseer to watch closely their employees' behvior and to enforce them to treat customers as shold be.