Al Tarawnah Lawyers Office مكتب الطراونة للمحاماه

Name: Al Tarawnah Lawyers Office
Name Arabic: مكتب الطراونة للمحاماه
Phone Number: (06) 5820550
Phone Number(s): 065858772
Phone Number(s): 0795539395
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Sweifieh, Amman
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: الصويفية, عمان
Category English: Consultations and studies
Category Arabic: استشارات و دراسات
SubCategory Arabic: محامون
SubCategory English: Lawyers

Al Tarawneh lawyers office contact information sign

Mesleh Salem Al-Tarawneh - المحامي مصلح سالم الطراونه
Jihan Mesleh Al-Tarawneh - المحامية جيهان مصلح الطراونه
Zaid Mesleh Al-Tarawneh - المحامي زيد مصلح الطراونه
Dina Mesleh Al-Tarawneh - المحامية دينا مصلح الطراونه

Al Tarawneh lawyers office photo of the location taken on July 24th 2012
Al Tarawneh lawyers office photo of the location taken on July 24th 2012

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