Pie Crust باي كرست

Name: Pie Crust
Name Arabic: باي كرست
Phone Number: (06) 4727777
Governate: Amman
Area Info: Dabouq - Al-Hijaz Street - toward Fuheis - After Amman Baccalaureate School
Governate Arabic: عمان
Area Arabic: دابوق - شارع الحجاز - باتجاه الفحيص - بعد مدارس البكالوريا
Category English: Food and drink
Category Arabic: طعام و شراب
SubCategory Arabic: معجنات محلات - مطاعم
SubCategory English: Restaurants - Pastry shops

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Official Facebook Page:

Opening Hours:
8:30AM - 11:00PM

The one and only restaurant, pastry specialized in serving sweet and savory pies in Jordan. Pie Crust opens for breakfast, lunch and dinner where you can enjoy our luscious and comforting menu. Pie Crust offers many sweet and savory ranges of pies, from rustic, creamy to pot pies and open top pies plus many more. Pie Crust will be serving delicious sandwiches and unique cakes to meet all customer needs. A comforting, inspiring experience is a promise.

Location Map - موقع المحل
بعد دابوق اول الفحيص. بعد مدرسة البكالوريا بتقريبا 200 متر على نفس الشارع الرئيسي على يسارك

location map of pie crust

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