مكتب البوندد
العنوان: بوندد البنك الإسلامي/ مدينة عمان الصناعية
ص.ب: 259/ الرمز البريدي 11512
هاتف: 4029728، 4029727
فاكس: 4029729
مكتب الطيبة / اربد
العنوان: لواء الطيبة شارع الملك حسين
ص.ب: 17الرمز البريدي 21810
هاتف: 7330039،7330041،
فاكس: 7330456
#1: Wednesday 26 March 2014 / 11:10:32 am.
Exexcutive Consultant Abdalla M Jibril (User IP ID: 11161740986) The same old financial thugs
I was a customer and sharholder of JIB for quite many years, I am impressed among millions of the islamic economy.
This message is for the bank,s directors.
Has there be any change of the management especially during general assembly meetingsthe same man nver change because the claim that Al barakah is under his control, is he and his assocites are the only theme in Jordan and how many youth s male and female can ever propse or dispute his thugs.
and no body can dispute his moderenisation themes whis takes place as quickly as the frog.
This is are among many reasons I sold all my shares.Please, have the courage to respond for the good of the bank
thank you
#2: Sunday 14 August 2016 / 3:00:55 pm.
Zied ahmad (User IP ID: 140010091003) Swit code
It kink of you if u put swift cobe for each branch